50 Soal Pg Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11

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15 Contoh Soal Semester 1 Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 SMP

Hallo sahabat KBI, pada kesempatan kali ini kita akan membahas mengenai contoh soal dalam bahasa inggris yaitu untuk semester 1 kelas 8 SMP. Apakah sahabat KBI pernah berlatih mengenai soal-soal seperti ini sebelumnya? Jika belum, Yuk langsung saja kita simak contoh soal pilihan ganda dalam bahasa inggris.

Choose the correct answer. Do it in your workbook.

1.Ivan : I’ve lost my bike.

Reyhan :……………………….

How did it happen?

To show his sympathy, Reyhan might say :

  1. How nice
  2. Good news
  3. I believe so
  4. I am sorry to hear that

2.Ivan : Listen! I got good news. ‘Element’ is going to have show here

Reyhan : ……………………….

To know more about the news being told, Reyhan might say……………

  1. Good news
  2. I’d love to
  3. Really?
  4. Is it good news?

3.The test is too difficult……………….can do it





4.If we cut down all trees,…………………

a.the soil is fertile

b.we won’t have enough axes

c.we will lose the earth’s lungs

d.we will be able to make the air fresher

5.Jayawijaya is the……peak indonesia.





6.Ivan : hasan is so smart. Do you think he will win the math competition?

Reyhan : …………. he always solves any math problem easily.

a.I hardly can say

b.I doubt it

c.I believe so

d.Who knows?

7.Lia and Zahra are talking about pets.

Lia : I like cats

Zahra : …………….

Lia : really?

Zahra : Yes, but I don’t like iguanas

Lia :……………………

Hack Your Own Samsung TV With The CIA's Weeping Angel Exploit. Press keys on the remote to update the firmware, so this isn't something that you're likely. Insignia firmware hack. Dec 7, 2018 - Hacking Your Way to a Custom TV Boot Screen. After identifying the principle components, he deduces where the device's firmware must. Case in point, my Insignia tv has dedicated/discrete change to specific input codes. Sep 26, 2010 - If you have access to Insignia's microprocessor and SDK, maybe. I doubt it is worth the effort though.

a.So do I- I don’t either

b.So am I – I don’t either Lagu jennifer lopez.

c.I am too – Neither do I

d.I do too – So do I

8.Aro wibowo live is Jakarta,…………………….he?





9.Alicia is a singer, alicia is a songwriter. The best combination of the two sentences is…………….

a.Alicia is neither a singer nor a songwriter

b.Alicia is not only a singer but a songwriter

c.Alicia is not only a singer, but also a songwriter

d.Alicia is not a singer, but a songwriter

10.A cat has……………….covering its skin, but a bird has………….


b.thick skin – fur

c.Fur – feather

d.Scale – feather

11.Cleopatra was an egyptian,…………….she?





12.I was taking a bath when the telephone………….



c.will ring

d.has rung

13.Tim is my best friend. I like……….very much





14.We save our money in…………

  1. a library

b.a church

c.a museum

d.a bank

15.below are called mass media, except…………….

a.tv set



d.radio broadcast

Jawaban :






6.c Karate kid 4 movie.










Semoga bermanfaat Untuk sahabat KBI semua 🙂

Simak Materi KBI Lainnya :

Posting terkait:

45 Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 SMP Semester 1 Ganjil Terbaru-Assalamualaikum semoga kabar baik untuk pengunjung site soalulangansekolah.com, kali ini soal yang akan dibagikan adalah soal UAS Bahasa Inggris untuk kelas VIII SMP. Silahkan disimak soal-soal bahasa Inggris tersebut dibawah ini!
I. Pick a, b, c, or d!
A Trek To Bali
A year ago my family had a trek to Bali. My folks, my senior sister and I burned through 3 days. We had a flight to Bali. We landed there at 9 a.m. At that point, we checked in the inn. It was not huge, but rather agreeable. Subsequent to taking a rest and having a shower, we had a lunch in the eatery of the lodging. Toward the evening, we went to sanur shoreline. There were a great deal of visitor getting a charge out of the wonderful shoreline. Some of local and outside traveler surfed on the shoreline. It appeared they appreciate it. My sister and I played the sand. We fabricated the palace from the sand. On the second day, we had a shopping in the conventional market close to the inn. My mom purchased another dress, while my dad picked a cowhide coat. My sister purchased a couple of one of a kind glasses and a top. While I enjoyed having T'shirt.
On the most recent day, we looked at the inn. We cleared out the lodging at 8 p.m. It was truly an astounding occasion.
20. How long did they spend in Bali?
a. One day
b. three days
c. two day
d. four days
21.How did they go there?
a. Via plane
b. by transport
c. via prepare
d. via auto
22. What did the visitor do on the shoreline?
a. Played the sand
b. shopping
c. surfing
d. cruising
23. What time did they look at the lodging?
a. Nine a.m.
b. nine p.m.
c. eight a.m.
d. eight p.m.
24. What is the reason for the content?
a. To engage the perusers
b. to portray a thing
c. To welcome the perusers
d. to retell the experience
25. Orchestrate the cluttered discourse into the best request
1). Risma : Truly? Cheerful birthday, ayu !
2). Sinta : Ayu is going to host a birthday get-together at her home this Sunday
3). Risma :Hello, what are both of you discussing?
4). Ayu : Express gratitude toward you,Risma
a. 2314
b. 3214
d. 3241
Fill In The Right Word to Answer 26-28.
Dio: What did you do a weekend ago?
Angga:(26)… …
Dio: Did you appreciate it?
Angga: Not in the least
Dio:(27)… … .did the climate?
Angga: It rained constantly. It was breezy and exceptionally cool
Dio: (28)… …
26. a. I need to swim
b. I went swimming
c. I will run with you
d. I like it in particular
27. a. where
b. at the point when
c. why
d. how
28. a. I oppose this idea
b. that is great
c That is too awful
d. Yes, obviously you can
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Eyes, beauty, carrot, ears,pet
The rabbit is a domestic animal. It has two long….(a) and two beautiful …(b) to see. It eats leaves, vegetables, especially…(c), because of the…….(d) many people keep them as pets. You can buy them at the……(e) shop. It’s fun, it’s action is very interesting.
5. Complete the following sentence with the correct verb using past continous tense
I was sleeping when my brother…Football game on TV.;
Soal lebih lengkap silahkan mengunduhnya disini (disini file soal b inggris )
Oke itulah Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 SMP Semester Ganjil kali ini, semoga bermanfaat. Silahkan digunakan sesuai kebutuhan masing-masing, baik untuk persiapan UAS Ganjil maupun untuk bahan penguji dalam memetakan kompetensi peserta didik pada pelajaran B.Inggris SMP tersebut.