This chapterdiscusses (1) Research Design,(2) CAR Prosedur,(3) The Attendance of Researcher (4) The Setting and Subjectof Study, (5) Data and Source of Data, (6) Collecting Data, (7) Data Analysis.
The research design of this study was categorized into a classroom actionresearch.Classroom action research wasa powerful tool for change and improvement at thelocal level. Accordingto Kurt Lewin’s own work (one of action research’s founding fathers) wasdeliberately intended to change the life chances of disadvantaged groups interm of housing, employment, prejudice, socialization and training. Itscombination of action and research has contributed to itsattraction to researchers, teachers and the academic and educational communityalike, (Louis Cohen, Lawrence Monion, and Keith Morrison: 2007).
Besides, thedifferent conception of action research could be revealed in some typical ofaction research, for example Hopkins (1983:32) suggests that the combination ofaction and research renders that action a form of disciplined inquiry, improveand reform practice. Ebbut (1985:156), too, regard action research assystematic study that combines action and reflection with the intention ofimproving practice, (Louis Cohen, Lawrence Monion, and Keith Morrison: 2007).
KemmisanfMc Taggart (1992) in a book ResearchMethod suggest that:
Action research is concerned equally with changing individuals, on the one hand, and, onthe other, the culture of the groups,institution and societies to which they belong. The culture of a group can bedefined in term of the characteristic substance and form of the language anddiscourses, activities and practices, and social relationship and organizationwhich constitute the interaction of the groups
Actionresearch is very different with another research method. Kemmis and Mc Taggart(1992: 21-2) in a book Research Methoddistinguish action research the everyday action of teachers:
·It is not theusual thinking teachers to do when they think about their teaching. Actionresearch is more systematic and collaborative in collecting evidence on whichto base rigorous group reflection.
·It is not simplyproblem solving. Action research involves problem- posing not just problemsolving. It does not start from a view of ‘problems’ as pathologies. It ismotivated by a quest to improve and understand the world by changing it andlearning how to improve it from the effects of the changes made.
·It is not research done onother people. Action research is research by particular people on their ownwork, to help them improve what they do, including how they work with and forothers.
·Action research is not ‘thescientific method’ applied to teaching. There is not just one view of ‘thescientific method; there are many.
Meanwhile, George McKeinze(2009) said that in comparing action research to other research method, threeimportant distinctions can be brought out:
1)The researcheris actively involved, with expected benefit for both researcher andorganization.
2)Knowledgeobtained can be immediately applied. There is not the sense of the detachedobserver, but that of an active participant wishing to utilize any lessons.
3)The research iscyclical process linking theory and practice. The process of CAR is simplyillustrated by the following figure:
Figure 3.1Classroom ActionResearch: Procedure (adapted from Kemmis, and Taggart in Cohen, Manion, andMorrison, 2005).
In preliminarystudy, the researcher observedreading instruction inclassroom, then the researcher conductedpretest to measure the students’ readingability. After that, the researcher analyzedthe students’ difficulties in readinglearning.
In the firstphase of the cycle, planning, the researcher designed the lesson plan,instruments, and criteria of succes. Next one,the researcher implemented graphicorganizer strategy in reading descriptive text.Observing, the researcher observedthe implemantation of graphicorganizer strategy in learning reading descriptivetext. At last phase, reflecting, the researcher focused on analyzing the dataand determining the cycle couldbe stopped or should be continued to the next cycle.
Thisstudy was conducted at the second semester of the seventh grade A in MTs Nurul Huda Dasuk. According toeducational calendar, the second semester was done on January up to June. So,this study was conducted on April up to May.
3.2ClassroomAction Research Procedure
Based on theresearch design above, the procedures of action research consists of preliminary study andimplementation activity:
The purpose ofthe preliminary study wasto observe and identify the real condition in the field to get informationabout the teaching of readingproblems in the classroom. The result of preliminary study was to find out theapproprite solution of the problem. In this ocassion, the researcher conducted pre- test as well toknow the real students’ reading abilityin descriptive text. The result of pre-testwas also used as theguidance of determining criteria of success.
As the design ofthe action research in implementation activity, there are four main steps, theyare:
In this step,the researcher and his collaborator prepared the proposed by strategy designs the lesson plan,instruments, and the criteria of success. Planning was the step in which theresearcher planedthe teaching strategy that wasapplied in the research. The following are some activities that will be held inthe research, it consists of :
In conductingthe research, the researcher designed a lesson plan. The components that has tobe considered are identity of lesson plan, competence standard, basiccompetence, the specific instructional objectives, instructional material andmedia, teaching and learning activities, and learning activities, andevaluation
The researchinstruments wereused in collecting data werein the form of observation sheets, field-notes, and questionnaire. Theobtaining data from these instruments wereutilized to check test, the fulfillment of the aspects or elements in the implementationof the medianeededto be revised in the text plan.
c)Designing Criteria of Success
The criteria ofsuccess reflectedthe areas that wasemphasized in the research. Therewere two criteria of success, they were (1) individual score, the students hadto get at least 70 (it is appropriate with passing grade or KKM). So, the students could beclassified success in examination. (2) Classical score, the class would be successfulif the students got score percentage 85%. In the other hand, the students were unsuccessful inthe examination if they got the score percentage under 85%.
Inthis phase, the researcher implementedteaching activity using graphicorganizer as the teaching strategy. It aimed to help the studentsto solve their readingability problem to improve their readingability on descriptivetext.
During theteaching learning process, the researcher stimulatedthe students tofollow seriously in teaching learning process based on the lesson plan, asbelow
(a)The teacher greeted the students and checks the students’ attendance.
(b)The teacher did brainstorming related to the material
(c)The teacher told the students about the objective of the lesson.
(d)Theteacher prepared example of graphicorganizer and example of descriptive text.
(a)The teacherdivided students become small group, each group consists of four/ fivestudents.
(b)The teacher explained about descriptive text commonly
(c)The teacher explained generic structure and language features of descriptive text.
(d)The teacher gave the use of descriptive text example contextually.
(e)The teacher introducedthe implementation of graphic organizer strategy to the students.
(f)The teacher asked the studentsto analyze the generic structure of descriptive text using graphic organizer.
(a)The teacher aided the students to make reflection by concludingthe material.
Observeation of the action was the process of recording and gathering all relevant dataabout aspects that happened during the teaching and learning process. Inclassroom action research, the observation focused on collecting data during readinginstruction.This observation took an important role usingthe observation sheet,field note, and test,
The observationsheet was used to observe theimplementation of graphicorganizer strategy in the process teaching learning reading on descriptive text. It observed the researcher’ readiness throughlesson plan and instructionalactivity performed. Also, observing thestudents activity during teaching learning process.
The observationon the aspects which werenot cover in the observation sheets above. It was done to know any unexpected responsesor attitude emerging during the teaching and learning process that influence the process of teaching andlearning.
Reading testresult was done to know thestudents’ ability in reading and the strengths and the weaknesses of thestudents’ mastery of the reading ability that had been taught to them.
Reflection was done after the class was over. The teacher and the collaborator discussed about the observationresult during the teaching and learning process in the classroom. Reflection was done to see thesuccess or the failure of what has been done in the previous action or duringthe action. It wasto see what has been successful and has not been successful with the action. Atlast, the researcher decidedwhether the implementation of the action metthe criteria of success or improving and revising the planning to conduct thenext cycle.
3.3TheAttendance of Researcher
The attendanceof researcher wasclassified based on the research procedure as the following:
In preliminary,the researcher wasas planner, analyzer, observer. He and collaborator did some activities suchas:
(1)Finding the factual problem during the instruction
(2)Analyzing the problems during instruction andfinding solution
(4)Determininginstrument and Technique of collecting data
3.3.2Implementation Activity
In this stage, the researcher acted as planner. He and his collaborator made a preparation for the action. The preparation covered preparing lesson plan, designing graphic organizer strategy, designing instrument, setting criteria of succes.
In implementing the action, the researcher acted as the practitionerconducting the teaching in the class, while his collaborator acted as anobserver observing the students’ reading abilityduring the implementation of graphicorganizer strategy.
(3)Observing the Action
In this stage, the researchercollaborated to observe this research. The collaborator was an English teacherof MTs Nurul Huda Dasuk. Thecollaborator was observing the implementation of Graphic Organizer Strategy inteaching reading. The collaborator observed about students’ participations,responses when they got explanation, doing the task, and to observe thestudents’ difficulties.
The researcher analyzed and theresults of the analysis wasconsulted with the criteria ofsuccess. If the resultsof analyzing met with criteria of succes,the research was succesfull. But, if the results of analyzing did not met with the criteria of succes, the research was not succesfull.
3.4ResearchSetting and Subjects
Basedon the personal interview with the English teacher of MTs Nurul Huda Dasuk, the researcher got some information about theschool.The setting of the research wasMTs Nurul Huda Dasukat the seventh grade A,which was located in Dasuk district.This school liedin the south of central Sumeneptown. It wasAbout 25 Km from centralSumenep town to MTs Nurul HudaDasuk.
The school was chosen as the settingof the study because the researcher found many students still had low competence in readingability. Therefore, the researcher intended to help the students to improve reading ability on descriptive text using graphic organizer strategy.And also, implementation graphic organizer hasnever been applied in this school yet.
The subject of the study was the seventh grade A students of MTs Nurul Huda Dasuk in academic year 2013/2014. There weretwo classes, but the researcher took the seventh grade A as object of study.There were 32 students of the seventh grade A in thesecond semester of 2013/2014 academic year participating in this research.Then, the basedcompetence of this study was the point of12.2 in syllabus that refers to express the meaning in descriptive simple short essayaccurately, harmoniously, and acceptably to communicate with the environmentand/or academic context.
The researcher chosethis class as the subjects of thestudybecause he founddifficulties faced by students in reading ability in this class. And based onthe information of English teacher, this class had lower motivation in learning than theother class, especially in English. So that, the researcher wanted to interest the students of the seventh grade A inlearning English especially in reading ability using graphic organizer strategy.
3.5Dataand Source of Data
There were two kinds ofdata in this research covers process data and product data:
Process datawere taken from the students during the process of learning and teaching activities.The observation sheets wereused to inspect, observe, and record the data on the implementation of the graphicorganizer strategy. Field-notes werealso used to observe on the aspects which wrenot covered in the observation sheets above. It was done to know any unexpected responsesor attitude emerging during the teaching and learning process that influencesthe process of teaching and learning.
Product Datawere taken from of the students scores on reading test. This data was used to seethe students’ achievement in reading ability.
There were to ways of collectingdata of this study. They are qualitative and quantitativedata. Qualitative data was taken from observation sheet, field note, andquestionnaire. The quantitative data was taken from reading test.
Process data were gathered fromobservation sheets, field-notes, and questionnaire.
It was used to observe thesteps of readinginstruction that usedgraphic organizer strategyas stated in lesson plan.
The informationthat gathered in field notes to complete the information that support theinformation that was gottenin observation sheet.
The researcherused questionnaire in order to know the students opinion related to reading descriptive textthrough graphic organizer strategy.The researcher usedthe questionnaire items of himself. It hada list of possible options or answers from which the respondents chose. Theoptions are “Yes” and “No”. He analyzed it by using RatingScale. “Yes” answer got1 point, and “No” answer got 0 point.
The product datawere obtained from the testresult in the evaluation stage. The scores wereanalyzed to check the students’ readingability in descriptivetext.
3.7.1Qualitative Data
Qualitativewas each of the cycle was described based on the finding of class observation.In doing the analysis of data, the researcher used the observation sheets andquestionnaires and the last the researcher transcribed them to obtain theactivity recording during the teaching and learning process.
Quantitative data was taken fromreading test. There are two ways in getting it, they are individual score andclassical score. The individual was used to analyze the data of students’answer test. There are two ways in analyzing quantitative data, namely:individual score and classical score. The individual analysis was used toanalyze the data of the student’s answer in test individually. The formula is:
N : Maximum Score
Theresult of the data analysis can be classified qualitatively to answer theresearch problem based on the classification of the score levels below:
80– 89 = Very Good
50– 69 = Fair
The classical analysis was used to analyze thatthe research wassuccess or not. According the curriculum, if 85% of the students passed thepassing grade, its mean that the research is success. The formula is:
N:Total Students
S7 1200 programming software download. Anak sma indonesia. Timor, Verdha Ritno (2016)Facebook Sebagai Media Promosi (Studi Deskriptif Kualitatif Jejaring Sosial Facebook Sebagai Media Promosi pada Buck Photography). Skripsi thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta.
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In recent years, new media has been finding new excitement with the emergence of Facebook social media. The site provides in virtual world a place to make a community of friendship that can be accessed by people of the world. Interactive capability of the online media is able to provide direct feedback so that interpersonal communication is created. Users who are enthusiastic in promoting goods and services uses popularity of the Facebook as a good media of sales. Buck Photography has been trying to take the opportunity. Various strategies have been performed to maintain its existence in a competing photographic industry. The Buck Photography is a small business providing camerawork so that budget of promotion activity should be estimated carefully. Therefore, the small business chooses Facebook as an alternative media to make online promotion activity.Purpose of the research is to know role of Facebook as communication media of marketing of the Buck Photography. It is expected that the research can be useful for people about importance of a marketing communication and also selection of appropriate media according to product and service to offer by marketer. The research is descriptive-qualitative one, namely it describe an object as a fact found in field. Data validity of the research was examined by using data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing.The research concluded that Buck Photography had applied SWOT analysis as a marketing analysis, and then, it implemented strategies of marketing communication, namely advertising, sales promotion, and direct sales. Facebook social network was used as media of promotion.
Item Type: | Karya ilmiah (Skripsi) |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Promotion, SWOT Analysis, marketing communication, social network |
Subjects: | Q Science > Q Science (General) |
Divisions: | Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi dan Informatika > Ilmu Komunikasi |
Depositing User: | Unnamed user with username l100090081 |
Date Deposited: | 21 Jan 2016 07:20 |
Last Modified: | 21 Jan 2016 07:30 |
URI: | |
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